pill oxycodone tec

pill oxycodone tec
Pill bei BAURCan 4 oxycodone pills be considered an. Oxycodone? White round pill found...?.
25.12.2008 · Best Answer: Lynn, It depends on the actual dosage of oxy, which depends on the type of pill. The most common form of oxycodone is the generic percocet
white dime size pills with TEC.
I found some pills in my teens room, They are round white dime size pills with TEC on one side and are scored down the middle on the other side, there
oxycodone white tec pill forums and articles. Learn about and discuss oxycodone white tec pill at The People's Medicine Community.
28.02.2010 · Best Answer: Oxycodone, is a white somewhat flat round pill,usually it has a line on one side and a number on the other (like 512). If it doesn't have
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